Twitterdate: Victor Maldonado

I very quickly realized that Victor Maldonado has a great mind. And I happen to think he's a great artist, especially for being able to make nothing something that's nothing at all.

We twitterdated once with Kate Bingaman-Burt and Will Bryant (my first ever, which was all kinds of cool), but I knew that I needed to get him to myself. I did on August 16, at Heart Roasters on East Burnside. It was sweltering (for once) and the black iced coffee quenched my thirst while opening my mind. He talked my ear off about Community and Education. My scribbles:

The next page was devoted to "the pedagogy of Isaac," which is something I consider to be under development and not yet ready for the world.

Twitterdate: Bridget Benton

I pinned her down.

Creative Mastermind. Crafty Enigma. Bridget Benton.

Behold, my scribbles.

I have found a kindred spirit in a woman who earned a Master of Science in Creative Studies and all of the irony and circumstantial awesomeness that implies. Thank you, Bridget, for not canceling on me this morning and for successfully avoiding a brain dump. I look forward to reading your book.

Twitterdates are weekly (at best) meetings with one or more person from Twitter, with the sole goal of exchanging ideas. Interested in being my Twitterdate? Say so. Bonus points if you live in Portland.